Customized Supported Employment

We will partner with you and business to identify jobs that fit with your interests and contributions you can make to the workplace.

What is It

We work with individuals and employers to customize jobs that meet both the interests and contributions of the job candidate and the needs of the employers.

Customized Supported Employment is a process from achieving competitive integrated employment through a relationship between employee and employer that is personalized to meet the career goals and individual and the job needs of the employer.

Who Benefits

Individuals who participate in CSE are deemed eligible for by the Ky Office of Vocational rehabilitation as benefiting from customized jobs.

How it Works

Individuals engaged in the CSE journey will partner with an Employment Coordinator to participate in the following:

Discovery and Job Search Planning = Plan for Employment

  • Gathering information from the job seeker and the CE support team (a group of multiple partners, including the employment specialist who all jointly take some responsibility for the job seeker’s needs; however, the job seeker is the ultimate decision-maker) to determine the job seeker’s interests, skills, and preferences related to potential employment that guide the development of a customized job.
  • Using the information learned about an individual job seeker in Discovery to develop a plan toward a meaningful employment, determine a list of potential employers, and conduct an analysis of benefits

Job Development and Negotiation = Customized Job

  • Working collaboratively with the individual and the employer to negotiate a customized job; the provision of supports; and the terms of employment that will match the individual’s interests, skills, conditions necessary for success, and specific contributions, and will fill the unmet needs of an employer

Post-Employment Support

  • Setting up on-going post-employment supports and monitoring the employment relationship to ensure satisfaction of both the individual and the employer.