Employment and Retention Services (Job Placement/Competitive Employment)

We can assist you with securing the job that meets your goals and needs.

What Is It

OWL provides individualized assistance and support to help job seekers achieve employment and career goals. We assist them in discovering the skills they possess to contribute to an employer, develop workplace essential skills that employers are looking for, and connect them to competitive jobs and community resources, and provide follow-up support.

Who Benefits

Individuals served are those who are deemed eligible by the KY Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) who have a job goal identified and need limited support on the job or deemed eligible to participate in the LFCUG Workforce Development program.  They may be individuals who have never worked, have an unstable work history, are reentering the workforce, or have a disability.

How It Works or Learn More

Individuals accepted for these services are partnered with an Employment Coordinator to assist them on their journey.

Those participating in this service, typically:

  • Have a job goal that may need further defining,
  • May have a specific job goal but need assistance identifying the best places to work
  • Need assistance with job readiness and work place essential skills

Services, depending on individual need, may include but not limited to:

Prior to employment:

  • Interviews and assessments to discover specific jobs, skills, and supports needed
  • Goal setting and employment planning
  • Skill development in soft skills needed by employers
  • Skill development and assistance with job searching, resume writing, job application, job interviewing, social media presence
  • Connection to community resources needed outside of employment to provide support in maintaining long-term employment
  • Connect to employers
  • Post-employment:
  • Assistance with onboarding, connecting with the employer, and acquiring needed accommodations and supports.
  • Connection to community resources needed outside of employment to provide support in maintaining long-term employment
  • Serve as an advocate and liaison the employer
  • Provide job coaching and feedback
  • Follow up services for 90 days to a year

The E&R Transitional Work Program

The purpose of this program is to provide temporary employment leading to potential job placement with the Lexington Manufacturing Center, an OWL company. Individuals in this program meet the OVR criteria of direct job placement and are referred with an Individual Plan for Employment (IPE) with a job goal of manufacturing production, logistics, and materials handling. These participants are considered ready to work; however, may need additional support in job readiness skills and communication with the employer on supports needed in the workplace to maintain employment.

Potential participants are interviewed by the LMC. If they are accepted, they are hired as LMC employees. The typical work week is from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.

E&R Pathway to Success