The Evaluation Process and Tools:

Interview and Observation:

  • Personal, social and work history
  • Educational and vocational achievements
  • Work tolerances
  • Job-seeking skills
  • Identification of possible needs related to work
  • Possible employment goals
  • Need for job-site modifications or adaptive equipment
  • Environmental work conditions
  • Physical and psychomotor capacities

Inventories encompassing the following:

  • Preferred learning style
  • Ability to respond to various methods of instruction
  • Need for job site modifications or adaptive equipment
  • Identification of possible needs related to work
  • Educational aptitudes
  • Interests, attitudes, and knowledge related to work
  • Aptitudes related to work
  • Transferrable work skills
  • Work-related behavior


  • A comprehensive yet concise summary interpreting the information gained during the evaluation, along with potential vocational goals

Suggested accommodations:

  • An edited list of the most useful school or workplace accommodations based on the barriers discussed or discovered during the evaluation


  • A list of things the participant could do or may need to do to reach the vocational goal

Suggested Jobs and Occupations:

  • A list of jobs and occupations that appear to be the best fit for interest and aptitude, some for the immediate future and others that may be possible in the more distant future with increasing education and skill, along with the education level commonly required, Kentucky salary information, and expected job growth

Labor Statistics:

  • A list of jobs in Kentucky with the most openings for the next few years and a list of jobs with the largest wage or salary growth in the U.S. in the next few years.

Customized evaluation:

  • Accommodations are used as needed during the evaluation process. A customized evaluation that varies from the template above can be used as needed.