Lexington Manufacturing Center
The Lexington Manufacturing Center (LMC) provides a variety of manufacturing services on the local, national, and international level. Quality assured, our manufacturing processes meet or exceed industry standards at every step.
Originally established as a manufacturing department within Opportunity for Work and Learning (OWL), LMC became its own entity in 2016 due to its success and need for expansion.
Why Choose Us
Certified in excellence:
Our manufacturing processes meet or exceed industry standards at every step. We are ISO 9001:2015 registered for quality assurance, and produce products listed by Underwriters Laboratories and the Canadian Standards Association.
With 63,000 square feet of space, 30 foot clear height throughout, and multiple docks, LMC’s facility will suit your manufacturing & warehousing needs.
Community Impact:
LMC creates employment opportunities for disadvantaged members of the community, and profits are shared with OWL to help provide funding for our nonprofit programs and services.